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About The Associates A Plastic Surgery Group

The Associates A Plastic Surgery Group provides patients a trustworthy staff of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery professionals. We have ample training and experience performing various plastic surgery procedures on Amarillo, TX-area patients with aesthetic ambitions or recovering from cancer or trauma. If you have suffered disfigurement due to illness or injury, or you desire a body or face that lives up to your expectations, plastic surgery may be the ideal solution. You receive warm and professional treatment from the moment you walk through our door. We listen to your concerns and offer the best possible medical procedures to restore or transform your body physically, and we make your comfort and safety our top priorities.

Friendly Staff & Talented Doctor

Dr. Kordestani has your best interests at heart with every procedure. He has an impressive background in his medical training and career. Dr. Kordestani has been in Texas for more than 15 years. He attended UCLA and UCSF to complete his general surgery training and then continued with plastic and reconstructive surgery training at the University of Oklahoma. In 2006, the Northwest Texas Healthcare (NWTH) system bestowed on him the Best Doctor of Amarillo. The entire staff at The Associates A Plastic Surgery Group works hard to ensure every patient gets the best surgical results with stellar treatment throughout their plan.

Cosmetic & Reconstructive Care That Transforms You

Our surgical staff understands the many reasons a patient would choose to undergo plastic surgery, from cosmetic enhancement to rebuilding their bodies after cancer surgery. We offer a broad range of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures performed by exceptional medical professionals to ensure success while accounting for your wellbeing. Patients come to us for surgery options like breast reconstruction, DIEP flaps, fat removal, abdominal wall reconstruction, chin implantations, fat grafting, and many other procedures. Our med spa services include injectables like Botox® and fillers, as well as peels to treat your facial skin.

We Proudly Serve Patients in & Around Amarillo, TX

The Associates A Plastic Surgery Group caters to our Texas patients’ needs and makes each treatment plan a chance for them to progress to the physical build that reflects their genuine selves. If you need plastic surgery to reconstruct a part of your body that does not live up to your expectations or is damaged from trauma or illness, let our professional medical staff help you. We proudly serve patients in the Lone Star State with outstanding service and exceptional surgical results.

Our Practise

For a practice to be a success, there must be an inherent trust between the physician and the patient. The patient has to relay to the physician his/her fears, wants, needs and concerns. In similar fashion, the physician has to be as clear, honest, and forthcoming with the patient as possible. When a successful relationship has been established, the physician and the patient share a unique rapport where they can discuss issues and concerns like friends, arriving at the best solution for the care of the patient.

  • Our practice philosophy is simple: to offer the patient an honest, valued, and educated opinion, and to give them the best, most up-to-date care—both before and after surgery.
  • Our purpose is to make every patient happy with their experience prior to, during, and after their association with us.
  • Our motto? “Plastic Makes Perfect.”
  • Our goal is to be the best possible plastic and reconstructive surgery practice in the state.

Please feel free to reach out to our office if you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kordestani for any of the procedures we offer to patients. Consultations cost 150$ and we work with all patients, and in cases that apply, with all insurances to minimize the cost to our patients.

Our Affiliations

Northwest Texas Healthcare System

1501 Coulter St S
Amarillo, TX 79106


1501 Coulter St S, Amarillo, TX 79106, USA

The SurgiCenter at Soncy

3501 S Soncy Rd
Amarillo, TX 79119


3501 S Soncy Rd, Amarillo, TX 79119, USA

Baptist St. Anthony Hospital and Health System

1600 Wallace Blvd
Amarillo, TX 79106


1600 Wallace Blvd, Amarillo, TX 79106, USA

Schedule a Consultation to Discuss Your Surgical Needs