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Look & Feel Your Best With Our Med Spa Services

Not all cosmetic issues require surgical intervention to correct them. The Associates A Plastic Surgery Group offers patients in and around Amarillo, TX various med spa services that are nonsurgical and proven effective at improving their skin and other aesthetic concerns. Our collection of industry-trusted Botox®, fillers, and chemical peels provide relief from dry, damaged skin, wrinkles, and many other issues related to factors like aging, stress, and sun exposure.

woman smiling

Minimally Invasive Treatment Options for Patients

The Associates A Plastic Surgery Group’s collection of med spa treatments addresses various issues, including facial lines, wrinkles, loss of volume, and dry skin. We value our patients’ cosmetic needs and ensure each minimally invasive treatment option is safe and effective, such as any of the treatments below.

Safe and Effective Treatment Options


This injectable treatment effectively reduces wrinkles by paralyzing certain muscles responsible for brow lines, crow’s feet, and other unsightly lines and folds. Each treatment typically lasts three to four months before you need reapplication.


Get natural-looking results using these hyaluronic acid fillers in areas around your face and lips. Each treatment adds volume to fill in wrinkles and plump skin with flexible softness.


Juvederm® Voluma™ XC is a gel we inject into your cheek area to gently lift the skin and restore the volume you have lost from aging. This filler is made with a modified form of hyaluronic acid, a complex sugar naturally occurring in our bodies.


Juvederm® Volbella™ is a dermal filler we specifically use to give your lips more definition and correct wrinkles and lines surrounding them. This dermal filler uses hyaluronic acid as a key ingredient.


These dermal fillers are highly effective at smoothing moderate and severe wrinkles and folds in your face. A common example Radiesse® addresses is the creases extending from the corners of your mouth to the corners of your nose, known as nasolabial folds.


This line of injectable cosmetic fillers uses a hyaluronic acid base to reduce lines and folds appearing in your facial skin. Belotero® has fillers with different consistencies to use on fine lines and severe folds.

Chemical Peels

Our med spa specialists apply a caustic chemical called TCA to the face to cause the top layers of skin with damage to slough off. Removing the dry top layers lets the healthier and younger skin come forth to replace them.

Stay Beautiful in & Around Amarillo, TX

Don’t let your skin and appearance suffer. The Associates A Plastic Surgery Group’s med spa team is ready to treat your face with minimally invasive Botox®, fillers, and chemical peels to help you look and feel your best.

Schedule a Consultation to Discuss Your Surgical Needs