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Restoring Patients’ Bodies With Breast Reconstruction

The Associates A Plastic Surgery Group understands the significant impact a mastectomy or lumpectomy has on patients. The partial or complete removal of one or both breasts may be necessary to resolve cancer, but the physical and psychological aftermath can be traumatic. Our doctors and staff help patients in and around Amarillo, TX with breast reconstruction to rebuild their lost breasts. The procedure restores their shape following a mastectomy and ensures patients don’t have to live with a part of their body missing. We treat every patient with the utmost care for their physical loss and emotional concerns. Rebuilding a breast after surgical removal can be beneficial to a person’s self-image and confidence, and we work with each patient to create a replacement with which they are happy.

woman taking a break from running

Flap Surgery to Rebuild the Lost Tissue

An example of breast reconstruction is flap surgery, in which a plastic surgeon uses a patient’s own tissue from elsewhere on their body to create a new breast similar to their old one. This procedure is complex and may involve two stages to complete it. During the first stage, a surgeon places an implant expander in the patient, and they complete the tissue reconstruction during the second stage. If you require nipple reconstruction, this will be another operation. Patients who receive radiation therapy after breast reconstruction surgery may experience some complications. We may have to wait until after you complete this form of therapy before carrying out the second stage. Our doctors will explain your procedure’s details and let you know how to prepare and what to expect.

Important Facts About Breast Reconstruction Surgery

The Associates A Plastic Surgery Group strives to create a breast on patients that looks as close as possible to a genuine breast. However, patients should be aware their new breasts will not look exactly like their natural ones. We can restore your new breast’s contour so that it very closely resembles your silhouette before you had a mastectomy. Breast reconstruction through flap surgery, such as a deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap from your abdomen, is the most complex surgical option. We transfer a section of skin, blood vessels, muscle, and fat from another area of your body to create a new breast mound, but we may need to augment the skin and tissue with a breast implant to get the desired size.

Amarillo, TX’s Trusted Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons

If you have undergone a mastectomy and wish to restore one or both breasts, The Associates A Plastic Surgery Group will gladly help you. Our talented surgeons and staff offer breast reconstruction with your happiness and wellbeing at the forefront of our concerns and work with you to rebuild your lost tissue.

Schedule a Consultation to Discuss Your Surgical Needs