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Surgical Professionals Helping Patients in Amarillo, TX

Drs. Kordestani and Heffel are both well-trained and highly skilled in plastic and reconstructive surgery, ensuring our patients get top-of-the-line care and result in and around Amarillo, TX. Our plastic surgery options include cosmetic procedures and reconstructive procedures, addressing patients’ aesthetic and medical needs dealing with the aftermath of cancer and other traumatic situations. Cosmetic surgery is an elective procedure enhancing a patient’s aesthetic feature on their face or body. The Associates A Plastic Surgery Group customizes each patient’s surgical treatment depending on their needs and works toward a solution that resolves the physical condition.

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About Our Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Practice

The Associates A Plastic Surgery Group operates according to the belief that an inherent trust must exist between the physician and patient for our practice to succeed. Patients must let doctors know about their fears, needs want, and concerns before, during, and following treatment, and doctors must be as honest and clear as possible with patients in return. Our rapport and straightforward nature with patients are essential parts of working in plastic and reconstructive surgery. Whatever procedure is necessary or requested, we ensure a bond of mutual trust and respect. This bond lets us work effectively throughout the treatment process and build a long-term relationship with the people who depend on our medical help.

Our Philosophy, Purpose, Motto, & Goal

We believe every patient deserves the best possible care to resolve their medical concerns, whether performing aesthetic enhancements or rebuilding their bodies after cancer or trauma has damaged them. Our practice is built on our personal philosophy, purpose, motto, and goal, which we describe below:


We strive to make each patient happy with their experience before, during, and after their treatment at our practice.


We have a simple philosophy. Offer patients an honest, valuable, and educated opinion and provide them with the best, most current care before and after their surgery.


We work hard to earn the position of the state’s best plastic and reconstructive surgery practice.


“Plastic Makes Perfect.”

The Associates A Plastic Surgery Group Is Here to Help

The doctors and staff at The Associates A Plastic Surgery Group put our patients’ happiness and wellbeing at the forefront of our concerns, no matter what procedure they require. We understand how personal deciding to get surgery can be and the fear and anxiety it can cause. Patients are welcomed and treated with honest and caring service from the moment they first step into our practice, and we continue this treatment after we complete their procedure.

Schedule a Consultation to Discuss Your Surgical Needs