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What Our Patients Have to Say

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Dr. Kordestani & his staff are absolutely amazing!! They are very caring & understanding. Dr. Kordestani listened to what I wanted to achieve. Then explained the surgery & post surgery process so I could have the BEST results possible. HE IS THE BEST

Candida C.

This doctor is very caring. He constantly checks up on me and makes me feel like I'm important and he cares about how I'm feeling. This is my second procedure. I've had done by him, and I am very pleased. I would definitely recommend him to others. His whole office staff is on their toes to make sure you feel comfortable and that is very important to me.

Wendy F.

Extremely compassionate and caring, words really can not express how thankful we are for Dr. K!

Taylor Q.

He is the best at what he does I trust him with my life thank you doc!

Donna W.

A great surgeon who takes pride in his work:) polite, positive and always smiling!

Erica W.

Words cannot describe how amazing doctor and person Dr. Kordestani is, and the staff are completely wonderful. Recommend very HIGHLY.

Amber S.

Dr. Kordestani was a very compassionate man. Very kind and understanding of my needs, and did a fabulous job of "putting me back together". Very knowledgeable in his field, with a desire to help and restore. Thank you Dr. Kordestani and staff for the great care.

Lisa D.

I highly recommend Dr. Kordestani. My belt lipectomy turned out perfect. He truly over succeeded my expectations. He also treats my husband and I with respect and values us as if we were friends. I'm honored to call him my surgeon. My body finally matches my mind.

Keri W.

I just wanted to let you know about MiraDry.
MiraDry is a procedure done to the armpits. It helps eliminate the glands that produce the sweat and odor. It took less than an hour and the numbing part wasn't as uncomfortable as I thought. The effects were immediate and I was able to go back to work right after. I would highly recommend it to everyone with sweat issues. I now have the confidence to wear any color top without the fear of the embarrassment of sweat stains.

Lisa E.

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